Get in touch
I'm usually pretty quick to respond and should be in touch within 24 hours. Please provide a valid phone number, this ensures that I can contact you should an email get missed. I will always reply via email as a first point of contact but if I don't hear anything back I will try to call you. This all forms part of the excellent service that I have worked hard over the years to provide.
Be sure to add my email address to your contacts list so that you
don't miss my reply!
Be sure to add my email address to your contacts list so that you
don't miss my reply!
Treatments take place in professional treatment rooms at:
Pure Alternative Therapies
131 Victoria Road Alton GU34 2DD Halsa Treatment Studios
10c Chapel Street Petersfield GU32 3DP |
This number is not for marketing, sales or emergencies. In times of need please contact the Samaritans. |